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Publikováno: 30. 3. 2022 02:52
Autor: IS IS

April POLYFiK will focus on the coexistence of humans and robots

The POLYFiK film club's Dubétání prométá on úterý April 5, 2022 at 3 p.m. will focus on the issue of artificialé intelligence. Viewersácanáenjoyátheádocumentaryá film Hello, Robot, after whicháwillábeáwatchedábyášforeman Mgr. et Mgr. Filip Dechterenko, Ph.D., with náinvite When will theátachers think

Humanoid robots are integrating into life on the planet stále iníce. They work at reception desks, in shopping malls or as cooks or tour guides. And slowly, they're getting into our daily lives as well.

Theá&issues&of&people&coexisting&with Artificial&Intelligence&will&be&addressed&at&the&Aprilý POLYFiK, whichý will&take&place&at ú&terý 5. April 2022 at 3 p.m. in the meetingí mí room next to the historicé auditorium of VŠPJ. At the thirdárám of the new VŠPJ movie club the viewers can watch the Germaný documentary film Hello, Robot, after which Mgr. et Mgr. Filip Dechterenko, Ph.D., with a ná call When will the computers think

Hello, Robot

Directed by Isa Willinger

Country of origin: Germany

Year of production: 2019

Youngý Texan Chuck and Japaneseá star&scaron& í dá ma Sakuraj have´ oneé – suffer´ from loneliness. Chuck hasn&;t started a family for themšyou, Sakuraj doesnšt have that much time for his children and grandchildren. An unexpectedý arrival– a robot equippedý withý artificial&intelligence´ to keep them company. A perfectá woman and eternallyé dí you tryí to replace prá fromná mí sta. The resulting interactions teeter on the edge of comedy and tísniveness. Is the search forání blízness in the stále'sšte clumsyý programs unethicalé and desperateé or are the documentary's characters just pár years ahead? Will a relationship with a perfect artificial intelligence be as valuable as one with another human being?

When will they startíting to think?
What does it actually meaná>that a count caná think? Is intelligence the same as consciousness? Letáus&explaináwhatáonly&humans&can&do&and whatárobots&do. Weáll learn how they test that they areá real intelligence and not just a preáwound. We'll simply look at what the coexistence of artificial intelligence and humans can look like, with all the pros and cons.
Mgr. et Mgr. Filip Dechterenko, Ph.D.
(Department of Mathematics, VŠPJ)
Degreedý theoreticalý computer scientist and psychologist. In hisýresearchý heý deals withý human memoryý and attentioný usingý artificialý neuralý systems. He has worked on several other projects as a methodologist and statistician.

Admission to both the promátáná and the náátáná is free. Capacity is limitedá therefore, we recommend to book the m´ hundred using the form HERE.

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Tolstého 16
586 01 Jihlava

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Phone: +420 567 141 111
Fax: +420 567 300 727
E-mail: vspj@vspj.cz
Mailbox ID: w9ej9jg

Contact point of the Rector's Office
Monika Jonášová
E-mail: monika.jonasova@vspj.cz

Study Department
Phone: +420 567 141 181
E-mail: studijni@vspj.cz

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