Publikováno: 21. 3. 2025 01:17
Autor: Bc. Martina Duničková


This study programme was established at the Department of Psychology of the Faculty of Psychology of the Brno University of Performing Arts, and in 2015, it was fully transferred to the College of Polytechnics of Jihlava.
The Art Therapy programme lasts 4 semesters and is implemented under the auspices of the Department of Social Work of the College of Polytechnics within the lifelong learning framework.

Applications for the course for AR 2025/2027 will open on April 1, 2025.


  • Who is the training for?

The training is intended for graduates of secondary schools with a secondary school diploma, workers in leisure centres and detention centres, special educators, educators, social workers, other helping professions, artists, and other interested persons.

  • Objective of training

The graduates will use art therapy methods and techniques during their work in educational, counselling, educational, charitable, cultural and leisure settings.

  • Training period

Education is organised in the mode of the academic year of the College of Polytechnics. The academic year usually starts in September and ends in June of the following year. The ART THERAPY course is taught over 2 academic years, and is usually delivered on the 2nd weekend of the month (first year) and the 3rd weekend of the month (second year).

  • Scope of training

The training includes 324 hours of lectures, methodological seminars, practical exercises, excursions etc., and additional events. The training programme includes 16 hours of practical training (8 hours each year). University academics or external practitioners lead all training activities. Classes are usually held monthly on Saturdays and Sundays at the College of Polytechnics, Tolstého 16 in Jihlava. Participants will receive a timetable before the start of the training. Participants must complete 80% of attendance and 100% of practical training (unless otherwise specified by the programme guarantor).

  • Scope of training

The first year of the educational program is focused on the acquisition of the theoretical foundations of the general disciplines forming the basis of art therapy (introduction to the psychology of personality and mental development, the basics of artistic thinking in art therapy, an overview of the philosophy of culture, art history, etc.) and on mastering practical skills for the independent application of art therapy procedures (art, graphic and ceramic art, music therapy, movement education, dance therapy, etc.).

The second year of the educational program is oriented towards special knowledge of the work of an art therapist (psychology of imaginative education, basics of psychiatry and psychotherapy, methodology of work of an art therapist, etc.) and expansion of practical skills in other areas of art therapy (projective techniques, drama education, group work, independent work with patients, etc.).

  • Completion of training

The training is completed by a final examination, and the defence of the thesis after all study obligations within the individual courses have been fulfilled. The final thesis is approximately 20 pages long, of which 50% is theoretical and 50% practical. Successful graduates will receive a certificate.

  • Price of training

The cost of education for applicants in the academic year 2024/2025 is 32,000 CZK for the entire course of study. Payment is made in four instalments - i.e. 8,000 CZK/semester, always before the start of each semester, based on the instructions of the programme organisers.

  • Signing up for training

Registration for the training is normally commenced on April 1 of a given year through an electronic application form.

A decision on admission/non-admission to the training will be given to the applicant within 30 days of the close of the application process.

The maximum capacity of one year is 24 participants. The admission is determined by the date of application and the fulfilment of the conditions (completion of secondary school studies by the school-leaving examination). If this condition is not met, an application for an exemption can be submitted using the form here. The programme director decides on the exemption.

Participation in the ART THERAPY educational programme does not require passing an entrance exam.


Before applying, we recommend reading the Study and Terms and Conditions.


Contact us if you have any further questions:

Ing. Iveta Slancová, MBA, Ph.D.
Vice-Rector for Research, Strategy and Quality
GSM: 604 291 937
Get in touch with us

Vysoká škola polytechnická Jihlava
Tolstého 16
586 01 Jihlava

IČ: 71226401
DIČ: CZ71226401

Phone: +420 567 141 111
Fax: +420 567 300 727
Mailbox ID: w9ej9jg

Contact point of the Rector's Office
Monika Jonášová

Study Department
Phone: +420 567 141 181

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