Research and projects
Publikováno: 1. 3. 2024 09:31
Autor: Ing. Pavlína Nová

Centralised development projects of VŠPJ

Project name: Fulfilling the regional role of universities through hybrid campuses
Grant Title: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MoEYS)
Period of implementation: 01. 01. 2022 - 31. 12. 2022
Project status: completed


Project Sub-Part Output


Analysis of the needs of regional stakeholders in the field of blended learning/hybrid study programmes and lifelong learning programmes delivered by distance methods. The analysis will be prepared by each participating HEI (output of sub-objective 1).


Common workshop of participating HEIs and resulting methodological recommendations on sharing good practice in the area of involving regional stakeholders in the development of blended learning/hybrid curricula and lifelong learning (output of sub-objective 2).


Common workshop of participating HEIs and resulting methodological recommendations on sharing good practice in engaging regional stakeholders in monitoring the quality of blended learning/hybrid curricula and lifelong learning (output of sub-objective 3).


Common workshop of participating HEIs and resulting methodological recommendations on sharing good practice aimed at reducing academic failure in study programmes with a strong regional focus - oriented towards the requirements of local employers (output of sub-objective 4).


Internal workshops for target stakeholder groups at individual HEIs focused on discussion and production of individual outputs.

Project Manager: prof. MUDr. Václav Báča, Ph.D.
Total amount: 428 000,00 CZK
Partners: VŠPJ
Project name: Opportunities and challenges of implementing the European Commission's Erasmus Without Paper initiative and activities in the context of the European Student Card Initiative
Grant Title: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEST)
Period of implementation: 01. 01. 2022 - 31. 12. 2022
Project status: completed


Project Sub-Part Output


Adherence to the EC timetable for further implementation of individual EWP functionalities into the VŠPJ Student Information System by sharing examples of good and bad practice, mutual support during implementation.


Active participation in the communication platform of the IT staff of the participating HEIs. Participation in two professional face-to-face or online meetings.


Active participation in the communication platform of the Vice-Chancellors of the participating HEIs. Participation in two professional face-to-face or online meetings.


Active participation in the communication platform of the staff of the foreign offices of the participating HEIs. Participation in two professional face-to-face or online meetings.


Training of new EWP functionalities in the Student Information System of the VŠPJ - intensive training of the International Department staff and guarantors of study programmes mobility.


Participate in joint workshops for all platforms involved.

Project Manager: prof. MUDr. Václav Báča, Ph.D.
Total amount: 264 000,00 CZK
Partners: VŠPJ
Project name:

Implementation of standards for quality assurance of educational activities for different forms of study into the accreditation process and quality assurance system at individual HEIs

Grant title: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEST)
Period of implementation: 01. 01. 2022 - 31. 12. 2022
Project status: completed

Project Sub-Part Outputs:

1) Opponentation of a unified methodology for the implementation of quality standards for educational activities for individual forms of study at the HEI level.

Methodology for the implementation of quality standards for educational activities adapted to the conditions and study programmes of the VŠPJ, incorporation into the internal regulations and related methodological guidelines of the VŠPJ.

2) Opposition of methodological recommendations for the evaluation of the implementation of the quality standards of educational activity for individual forms of study within the accreditation process.

Revision of the profiling of curricula and courses, revision of the profiling of the link between the forms of study and the profile of the graduate, revision of the methods of education and methods of verification of learning outcomes for the study programmes of the VŠPJ.

3) Opposition of methodological recommendations for setting up feedback mechanisms and tools for evaluation of teaching.

Drafting methodological recommendations adapted to the conditions of the VŠPJ for continuous evaluation of the fulfilment and further development of the quality standards of educational activities for individual forms of study within the system of internal quality assurance and evaluation, setting up feedback mechanisms in the form of various surveys from teachers, students and guarantors of study programmes.

4) Participation of the representatives of the HEIs in the offered workshops and seminars to share experiences in the implementation of the standards and to share the ongoing performance of the activities and outputs of all participating HEIs.

Project Manager: RNDr. Jana Borůvková, Ph.D.
Total amount: 420 000,00 CZK
Partners: VŠPJ
Project name:

Social Security in Czech Universities in the Context of Academic Ethics

Grant Title: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEST)
Period of implementation: 01. 01. 2022 - 31. 12. 2022
Project status: completed


Project Sub-Part Output


Analysis of activities and audit of social security documents in the field of gender balance at the University of Applied Sciences


Concept of social security in the field of gender balance at the VŠPJ and its incorporation into the organizational and management standards of the VŠPJ


Sharing experiences in the field of social security in the area of gender balance - meeting minutes, email correspondence

Project Manager: RNDr. Ing. Lenka Cimbálníková, Ph.D., MBA
Total amount: 110 000,00 CZK
Partners: VŠPJ
Project name: Increasing the availability of economic information to HEIs
Grant Title: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEST)
Period of implementation: 01. 01. 2022 - 31. 12. 2022
Project status: completed


Project Sub-Part Output


1-1 INFRASTRUCTURE: HEIs are not involved in the implementation of this output


1-2 TECHNOLOGY: Upgrade of SW technologies and standard EIS applications


2-1 FUNCTIONALITY: Modifications and additions to the functionality of selected EIS agendas


2-2 BUDGET: Support for planning and budgeting of funds and time


2-3 ePROCESY: Expanding support for electronic processes in EIS


2-4 REPORTING: Support for the production of selected statistics and reports according to
the current coordinated priorities of HEIs in 2022

Project Manager: Ondřej Chalupa, DiS.
Total amount: 550 000,00 CZK
Partners: VŠPJ
Project name: Development and strengthening of the position of NIGHT OF SCIENCES as a platform for systematic year-round presentation and popularization of science, research and creative activities of universities in the Czech Republic
Grant title: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEST)
Period of implementation: 01. 01. 2022 - 31. 12. 2022
Project status: completed


Project Sub-Part Output


Part of a functional communication platform of Czech universities (and other entities) in the field of popularization of science, research and creative activities.


Expanded public database (calendar) of popularization events of national and regional character of participating institutions.


Realization of the Night of Scientists 2022 and other popularization events of national and regional character.


Participation in 2 national conferences for systematic cooperation, effective communication, sharing of experience and coordination of participating HEIs in preparation of the Night of Scientists and other popularization activities in the Czech Republic.


Expansion of the possibilities and functionalities of the central web portal of the Night of Scientists of the Czech Republic ( including the mobile application connected to it.


Create an archive of the Researchers' Night programme via the web to highlight the University's range of popularisation activities.


Expanded English version of the programme offer of the web portal of the Night of Scientists of the Czech Republic ( including the mobile application connected to it.


Expanded Scientists' Night programming to include new online and offline formats for presenting science, research and creative activity.


Expanded offer for disadvantaged target groups and visitors with specific needs.


Connected joint presentation of science and mutual support of and portals.


Promotional items in a uniform visual style for participants of the Night of Scientists and other popularization events.


Expert training to increase the competences of the involved organizational teams in the field of science and research popularization.


Systematic search for appropriate topics, formats, scientists/researchers for collaboration and presentation of science in schools.


A nationwide show, Night of the Scientist, will showcase science and scientists in the online space.


A unified national promotion campaign for Scientists' Night.


Confirmation of the important position of the Night of Scientists in the Czech Republic on the map of European organizers.

Project Manager: Mgr. Vendula Marešová
Total amount: 450 000,00 CZK
Partners: VŠPJ
Project name: Development of tools for identity verification, computerization of agendas, documents and meetings aimed at university administration
Grant Title: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MoEYS)
Period of implementation: 01. 01. 2022 - 31. 12. 2022
Project status: completed


Project Sub-Part Output


Analysis of the possibility of using bank identity, myID, etc. (V1)


Electronization of tuition fee management (V2)


Exchange of experiences with participating schools in the field of e-development of meeting and decision support (V4)


Participation in workshops and involvement in consultations on individual outputs and model school solutions (V1-V4)


Comparison of sub-outcomes and assessment of their use in our school environment (V1-V4)


Final evaluation of the project and preparation of the final report (V1-V4)

Project Manager: Bc. Milan Novák
Total amount: 136 000,00 CZK
Partners: VŠPJ
Project name:

A collaborative approach to collecting feedback from graduates of public universities in the Czech Republic

Grant Title: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEST)
Period of implementation: 01. 01. 2022 - 31. 12. 2022
Project status: completed


Project Sub-Part Output


Results of the monitoring of the feedback collection at the VŠPJ


Design of the methodology for collecting data from graduates I - part focusing on the content of the questionnaires, including periodicity.


Design of the methodology of data collection from graduates II - part focused on technical support for data collection and evaluation.


Results from the final conference (final version of the methodology).

Project Manager: RNDr. Jana Borůvková, Ph.D.
Total amount: 450 000,00 CZK
Partners: VŠPJ
Project name: Supporting the implementation of an information security management system in HEI environments
Grant Title: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEST)
Period of implementation: 01. 01. 2022 - 31. 12. 2022
Project status: completed


Project Sub-Part Output


Deployment of selected recommended tools to support the implementation of SDBI/SRCB


Implementation of selected security policies


Adaptation and deployment of training courses for specific target groups


Penetration testing implementation


IT staff training

Project Manager: Bc. Marek Štark
Total amount: 380 000,00 CZK
Partners: VŠPJ
Project name: Analysis of the impact of DEPO in the HE sector
Grant Title: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MoEYS)
Period of implementation: 01. 01. 2022 - 31. 12. 2022
Project status: completed


Project Sub-Part Output


1. LEGISLATIVE: Legal impact on internal HEI legislation




3. INTERVENTION: Impact on communication with the KIVS

Project Manager: Bc. Milena Vlčková
Total amount: 142 000,00 CZK
Partners: VŠPJ
Project name:

Effectiveness of the system of study and psychological counselling, including the provision of online services for students and staff of HEIs

Grant Title: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEST)
Period of implementation: 01. 01. 2022 - 31. 12. 2022
Project status: completed


Project Sub-Part Output


Analysis of the legal and professional framework for the provision of counselling services in HE


Comparison of staff capacity of counselling centres and demand from their clients


Index of verified external follow-up care providers


Staff training: the boundaries between counselling, clinical practice and therapy


Staff training: innovative approaches in counselling and forms of counselling interview


Effective Communication - How to Spot Lies and Difficult Communication Situations


Staff training: preventing school failure


Creation and innovation of web portals and design of electronic client registration system


Advisory team supervision (2x)


Workshops for students, employees or applicants focused on psychological hygiene, resilience and prevention of academic failure (6x)


Project launch coordination meeting


National Conference


Final Roundtable

Project Manager: Mgr. Hana Vláčilová
Total amount: 301 000,00 CZK
Partners: VŠPJ
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Phone: +420 567 141 181

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