About the school
Publikováno: 4. 5. 2024 10:15
Autor: Bc. Milena Vlčková

Ethics Committee

The College of Polytechnics Jihlava is aware of its social responsibility towards its employees, students and the public and therefore adopts this Code of Ethics. The Code of Ethics of the VŠPJ contains basic principles, values and rules of conduct binding for all employees and students of the VŠPJ.

In accordance with Article 5, paragraph 3) of the Statute of the College of Polytechnics Jihlava, the Code of Ethics of the College of Polytechnics Jihlava and the Rules of Procedure of the Ethics Committee of the College of Polytechnics Jihlava, I appoint the following members of the Ethics Committee of the College of Polytechnics Jihlava as an advisory body to the Rector of the College of Polytechnics Jihlava:







Get in touch with us

Vysoká škola polytechnická Jihlava
Tolstého 16
586 01 Jihlava

IČ: 71226401
DIČ: CZ71226401

Phone: +420 567 141 111
Fax: +420 567 300 727
E-mail: vspj@vspj.cz
Mailbox ID: w9ej9jg

Contact point of the Rector's Office
Monika Jonášová
E-mail: monika.jonasova@vspj.cz

Study Department
Phone: +420 567 141 181
E-mail: studijni@vspj.cz

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