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Publikováno: 14. 11. 2024 10:36
Autor: Mgr. Martina Tomšů

Students of VŠPJ visited Škoda Auto production plants in Mladá Boleslav

On Wednesday, 30 November 2024, second and third year students of the Applied Mechanical Engineering and Applied Technology for Industrial Practice programmes visited the Škoda Auto production plants in Mladá Boleslav.
Foto z exkurze.jpg
The students were introduced only to specific production sections of the plant, namely the press shop, welding shop, engine production section and the final vehicle assembly section. The students had the opportunity to get acquainted with the real environment of industrial production, including automation and robotization of this production.
"The production lines of Skoda were an ideal choice for the excursion, as the individual sections show varying degrees of automation of a given production from a fully automated welding shop to the vehicle assembly section. There, most of the work is still done manually and modern technologies serve mainly to increase the reliability and speed of production and improve the ergonomics of the working environment. The excursion can thus be clearly evaluated as very inspiring and brought many new visions for the students of technical disciplines for their future professional development," said Ing. Jan Jirsa, academic staff member of the Department of Technical Studies at the VŠPJ.

The excursion concluded at the Škoda Museum, where students could see nowadays very rare specimens and historical Škoda cars. The students also had the opportunity to take a photo with the Škoda Felicia, which is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year. It was the first car developed in cooperation with the Volkswagen Group after its entry into the Škoda automotive company and over 1.4 million units were produced between 1994 and 2001.

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E-mail: monika.jonasova@vspj.cz

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E-mail: studijni@vspj.cz

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