About the school
Publikováno: 15. 9. 2024 10:42
Autor: Mgr. Martina Tomšů

ATTENTION: CANCELLATION OF CLASSES from 16 September to 20 September 2024

Dear students,
Dear staff, dear staff,
after careful consideration of the current crisis situation related to the development of the flood situation in the Czech Republic and in view of the call and recommendation of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic, the management of the VŠPJ has decided to cancel classes from September 16-20, 2024.
Aware of the residence of our students not only in different parts of the Vysočina Region, but also in other regions of the Czech Republic, this decision was taken mainly in the interest of the society as a whole, tied to the saving of capacities both technical (especially for the reasons of not burdening the backbone transport infrastructure and service in the Vysočina Region beyond what is strictly necessary), as well as staffing (especially with regard to the need for proper care of flood-affected persons and their basic needs, for maintaining capacities for immediate assistance and security of damaged homes, including the availability of staff for volunteer activities in the affected areas).
We are confident that this decision will contribute to the return of normal life to the affected areas as soon as possible and we appeal to the academic community of the University of Applied Sciences to contribute, within everyone's means, to help those affected if necessary.
School operations will still be maintained. Only classes are cancelled. If any member of our school staff is affected by the flood situation, has to take care of property or loved ones at risk of flooding, is unable to attend school due to flooding of transport routes and cancellation of services, please bring this information to the attention of your line manager.
Academic staff may work outside the College of Education building.
You can follow the school's website and social media for information on the current situation. In case of a difficult situation, please do not hesitate to contact the support services of the VŠPJ.
Dear Colleagues,
Trust that the safety and health of our students and staff is a priority for the management of the College of Education. We therefore thank you for your understanding of the measures taken and look forward to the start of the academic year once the dangerous situation has passed.
Management of the University of Applied Sciences.
Hlavní obrázek aktuality
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Vysoká škola polytechnická Jihlava
Tolstého 16
586 01 Jihlava

IČ: 71226401
DIČ: CZ71226401

Phone: +420 567 141 111
Fax: +420 567 300 727
E-mail: vspj@vspj.cz
Mailbox ID: w9ej9jg

Contact point of the Rector's Office
Monika Jonášová
E-mail: monika.jonasova@vspj.cz

Study Department
Phone: +420 567 141 181
E-mail: studijni@vspj.cz

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