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Publikováno: 30. 3. 2023 01:14
Autor: IS IS

April's POLYFiK will focus on Plato-inspired teaching in a Northern Irish primary school

The POLYFiK filmý club for VŠPJ students and staff and the šgeneral public will show Platóterý April 4, 2023 the film Platón from Belfast. The documentaryárná byár Neasa Ná Chianáin and director Declan McGrath, is about the approach to válearning in the form of a discussioná oná šroundá toá helpá cope withá theá countryá andá students'á adultá vá ná. After theá film,á willá follow&a discussion withá Michal Ryneše, whoá servesá as&a&guide&at&the&ScioŠround&Jihlava.
Directed by Neasa N´ Chianá Chianá and directed by Declan McGrath, the film is dedicated to the progressive approach to  ý learning at a Catholicé boysé &scaron&college. The šschoolšprincipalšis&trying&to&model&the&platóna&to&provoke&discussion&with&theýstudents&to&help&theépe&cope&with&the recentýconflicts&in&the&city&and&the&complicated&history&of&the&country. Theátání will& takeáplace&at úterýMarch&4,2023&at& 3:00 p.m. in ámeetingároomšcoly.

After the film is over, there will be a náwatch discussion with Michael Ryne. The guide actsác´ on the Jihlavaé "alternative´" šcá circle, interestedá iná communication and ways ofá self-á eaché individual. Itádá with the assumption that everyoneá has someá strengthsá and weaknessesá sidesá and if they caná use them consciously and in harmony with themselves, they canát lápe their lives, and thusám learn more easily.


Admission to the promátá and the nátá discussion is free. Capacity is limitedá therefore, we recommend that you reserve a m´ hundred via the HERE form.


Platón from Belfast

Directed by Neasa Ní Chianáin, Declan McGrath
Country of origin: Northern Ireland, Belgium, Ireland, France
Year inýproduction: 2022

Whaté is it like to grow up in a city where traces of recenté conflicts are iné and mé styles areé bubblingé to the surface in streeté skirmishes today? The charismaticý headmaster of the &scaroný &scaroný school of Holy Cross Boys' Primary School (Holy Cross Boys' Primary School) onceá ná zor that &scaroný things happená but the keyá is how we respond to them. As a main´ teaching& method, we useá modeled after the Plató on discussion. With theirý womená addressá what is ú anguish, aggression or fear and soá how to helpá process these emotions throughá crá philosophicalý exercises. For Belfast women, he says, it is key to know and understand the past in order to live in a more positive way. But in such a desecrated city, can children really be taught to be respectful?

Get in touch with us

Vysoká škola polytechnická Jihlava
Tolstého 16
586 01 Jihlava

IČ: 71226401
DIČ: CZ71226401

Phone: +420 567 141 111
Fax: +420 567 300 727
E-mail: vspj@vspj.cz
Mailbox ID: w9ej9jg

Contact point of the Rector's Office
Monika Jonášová
E-mail: monika.jonasova@vspj.cz

Study Department
Phone: +420 567 141 181
E-mail: studijni@vspj.cz

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