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Publikováno: 27. 2. 2023 02:04
Autor: IS IS

We visited the Havlíčkův Brod Halfway House

Halfway House Havlíčkův Brod is a service providing accommodation and professional support to young people who are in need of help; in their independent adult life, are faced with adverse life situations and the absence of a family from the country. Last December, VŠPJ students and staff supported this ministry, which operates under the J.J. Pestalozzi Center, with a materialáln´ collection during the traditional Nights at VŠPJ event. This year, VŠPJ would ráda to this support and contribute to the running of the ministry by way of a silentáauction, which will take place during the 7th VŠPJ Representative Ball. On Thursday, 23rd února, we visited the Halfway House to learn more about how it works and how it helps its úháusers.

Halfway House Havlíčkův Brod is a service providing accommodationání and vocational support to youngým people who are in need of help; in their independent adult life, faceý adverseý lifeý situations and the absenceý of familyý fromá theá country. In December last year, students and staff at VŠPJ supported this service, whichá operates under the J. J. Pestalozzi, with a materialální collectionárámce in traditionalá event Vánce at VŠPJ. This year, VŠPJ would ráda to this support and contribute to the running of the ministry soá through a silentáauction that will probíhat during 7th  VŠPJ prom. On Thursday, 23 února, we visited the Halfway House to learn more about how it works and how it helps itsýháusers.

The support that the Havlíchkův Brod Halfway House has received from the students and staff of the šcollege through theáln´ collection ofárky is not the onlyým that connects the service with the šcollege of polytechnics Jihlava. Just like the VŠPJ, the service was founded in 2004, and last year it celebrated 18 years of its operation. The number 18 is symbolic for the Halfway House for another reason. At the age of 18, the reality of adulthood begins for manyé children whoé have lived in childrené homes until then, and they have to leaveú theú stateé facilities. „Most„of&these&young&young&young&adults&have&noá&ideas&of&what&awaits&them&in&real&life. Statistics speak of the fact that these peopleé haveé ná problems with crime, drugs and the threat of homelessness. After these experiencesšence, they are unable to integrate into mainstream society,“ uvádí Ing. Zdenek Dostál, socialáln´ worker and headá of the service Halfway House Havl´chkův Brod. The mission of the service is to provide these youngýpeople without family fromácountry´ accommodationání and soé professional support to prove lé

The name Halfway House may evoke that the services and accommodations thatání offerází are concentrated in a singleé building. In reality, the accommodationání is provided to service users in two 3+1 flats simulating a familyácí environmentá located in an urbanázá building near the townáofá in HavláBrod. Departmenté offices can then beé found not far from here in sí according to the Halfway House at Beckovské ho 1882. Thereá isá bothá officeá ofá socialá worká serviceá andá twoá consultingá roomsá whichá serveá not only for individualáln´ln´l consultations, but also for regularán´l meetings of the service workers with all users. At present, the capacity of the service is full and it is used by a total of 8 users, including two infants.

Consultation room of the Havlí Halfway House Havlí Brod

The meetingástí of theágroundí of the Halfway House is soá handí dílna, to whichá ofá unemployedí regularly attend; and non-student service users to develop their work and skills necessary for integration into the labour market. In the dí ln dí for exampleí variousé decorativeí objects made of plywood, whiché ná subsequently sandí and paintí. Finished products are offered for example in the presentation of the service at the Festival of Social Services in HavlíBrod. The workers of the service would use the proceeds from the silenté auction for the running of the dí ln particular for the purchase of the necessary materials.

with handýactivities in dílly handí worker Zdenka

If you would rádi to contribute to the running of the Halfway House's handálny, and help service users to makeáskat návyky, which will enable them to maintain their práci in the long term, don't forget to arrive at 17. March to the Workers' House Jihlava for the 7th representative ball of the VŠPJ, during which the silent auction will be probíhat. Tickets for the ball can be purchased online HERE.





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Vysoká škola polytechnická Jihlava
Tolstého 16
586 01 Jihlava

IČ: 71226401
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Phone: +420 567 141 111
Fax: +420 567 300 727
E-mail: vspj@vspj.cz
Mailbox ID: w9ej9jg

Contact point of the Rector's Office
Monika Jonášová
E-mail: monika.jonasova@vspj.cz

Study Department
Phone: +420 567 141 181
E-mail: studijni@vspj.cz

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