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Publikováno: 1. 6. 2022 01:03
Autor: IS IS

Employees of the University of Applied Sciences in May fought with the challenge To work by bike

A total of 2,229 kilometres cycled and many social moments in the saddle of a bicycle – this is what the 10 employees of VŠPJ involved in the May ý in the Do práce on a bike association AutoMat.

In the Bike to práce sound, the

Soýcustom in May 2022 involved as 10 employees of VŠPJ. They were divided into two five-person teams based on their commute from their méméplace of residence and– My&scaronáky and My&scaronáky. Therefore, the town&scaronáers tried to compensate for their lostá position by more&scaron&aiacute; regularity&aiacute; jízd,“ uvádí Mgr. Bohumír Machovec, Ph.D., headí of the Cabinet of Sports of the VŠPJ, whoý attended theýrest of theý as a member of theýmu Cityáci. Tým Overák did indeed succeed in converting hisýthrow into aýsuccess, though not as overwhelmingé as he probably expected at first. „Zatímco Overácians traveled 1ámco in May while traveling to práce 1 174 km, inýsequence Měš1 055 km definitely notí to be thrown away,“ saidí Bohumír Machovec. In the evaluation of the regularity of the ride, the towns with an average regularity of 93.7% clearly outperformed Přespolá who rode with 81.2% regularity in May. „We rádi that the nás supported the employer úcastle by startého and tolerováním bicycles in the spaceách šbikes. We believe that we did not disgrace the VšPJ and were minimallyál equalýrivals to tým others;“ summarizes Bohumír Machovec the involvement of VŠPJ employees in the May ý vý rest.

In addition to the trips to and from the práce, the úfrequentýpeople in the VŠPJ decided to strengthen their é healthí and physical fitness byé severalý rides aroundaroundý theý city. On Mondayí May 9, they set off on a tourí from Jihlava to the nearbyí villages of Plandry and Rantí řov and on pá tek 20. The time spent together outdoors in the fresh air in the picturesque surroundings of the Highlands convinced them that in these cyclo-jízdáThey would continue these cycling trips even after the end of May and soon they are planning to go on further cycling trips together.

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