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Publikováno: 19. 5. 2022 03:09
Autor: IS IS

Genealogist Sassmann opened the lecture with a song

Historicá auditorium VŠPJ hosted a úterý 17. May 2022 with a presentation by Alois Sassmann, a columnist and genealogist, on History of Jewish Names and Names. In addition to aáštion organized by the University of the Thirdá Age VšPJ, they could návšTheéparticipants&could&explore&theé genealogical&state&/strong> art´wall in theál´ hall. They were also surprised by a subtleé surprise in the form of the Jewish fountain, which Alois Sassmann opened his front scaron with.

Previously written by Czech publicist, genealogist and Old Catholic parish priest Mgr. Alois Sassmann with názvem History of Jewishých names and addedánamesí came in úterý 19. May 2022 to the historicé auditorium of the VŠPJ témeasure 50 ofáme ofáme genealogy. Immediately in úwater, the audience was unexpectedé but all the moreší surprised. Alois Sassmann opened hisé dedicationá in an unconventional way, when with guitar in hand he interpreted an old Jewish song. In aátelicéspirit, there was aášlecture dedicatedá toá the origin of Jewishánames and the history of Jewishánames inás and afterá. „The response has been particularly strong to the personal account of Mr. Sassmann, who found from DNA analysis that his unlisted name was not mentioned;m ancestor was aškená Jew, whom he later managed to discover in oldýsigns,“ Dr. Lenka Líázalová, lecturer of the course Genealogy at the University of the Thirdá&age VŠPJ (U3V) and teaches at the Department of Economic Studies.

After theá lecture was over, the audience took theá opportunity to ask Alois Sassmann aboutá questions aboutá issuesá and the history of families, namesá and genetics. They appreciated theé opportunity to viewé theé presentationé ofé theé worké ofé theé students of theé Genealogy course at U3V.


Anášku and ní associated inýstate arrangedáthe U3V with cílem to popularize the field of genealogy. In addition to lectures, discussions, and výstate of affairs, the U3V has been providingý iný theý course Genealogy since 2010. Over its 12-year history, the course has been completed by hundreds of students. The course, led by Dr. Lízalova, lasts 4 semesters and during the course students learn how to read oldé pí smo, how to search in archives, how to clean up theiré discoveries and how to create a family database.

Whatámá vás howá diverseá forms a family tree can take or what youráe nameá would look like written downá by a Neo-Gothicám pásmem curent? Watch the video commentaryé to seeé theé states of theé genealogies listedé in rá lasté Nations of Scientists at VšPJ. During the ní vám Lenka Lázalová presentedá not only the ukázce of genealogy, but also the registry, oldá písma or fromávernacularé práce of the listeners of the course Genealogy.

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E-mail: monika.jonasova@vspj.cz

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