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Publikováno: 12. 5. 2022 11:24
Autor: IS IS

The project team gathered experience in Norway in the field of mental health care

Members of the project Innovation and development of subjects focused on health and well-being visited 2. The Norwegian city of Bergen will be open from 2 to 7 May 2022. In the rám of the busyém programme, they met with mástn´m partners and learned about the activities of organisations working in the field of care for mental health . Ouré&early&experiences&will&help&improve&the&quality&of&theý&teaching&of&the&required&course&of&the&strong>Claims&of&psychiatry&and&psychopathology for students of the Health&Social&Acute&Ln&Claims&programme.


The Innovation and development of courses focused on duševní healthí project is implemented by the Department of Socialální práVŠPJ in cooperation with the Centre for the Development of Duševní Health and the Norwegian city of Bergen. The aim of the project is to improve theý teaching of a compulsoryý course for students of the Healthá Socialá program and to create a newý electiveý course thatý will be offered to students in other&scaroný programs and disciplines taught at V&Scaron& PJ as well as to the&scaroný public. 

In rárámce of activities related to the implementation of this project will visit the partner city of Bergen Norway  from 2 to 7 May 2022. A packedý program awaited them there, theýlem of which was the presentationý of services and activities aimed at theý recoveryý of people with problems in the field of mentalý health.

On the firstý day, the wholeý projectý teamý composed of Czechý and Norwegianý students together and devoted to discussion. The debate was mainly about the differences in the setí systemé of theé systemé of theé healthí in the Czeché Republic and Norway, the úý&location of individualý&institutions´ or about theá&conditions&ofá&financing&in té&to areas. On the followingá day, the Czechást týmu divided into threeá workingá groups, whichá successively visited differentá organizations in Bergen. „From a longýlist, we can name the Šcolon recoverí Bergen, the psychiatric hospital, the chráng housing´ providers, or the Center for přívocational &ání and educationalání for peer workers, dále rehabilitation´, cultural´ and sports´ centers,“ explains Ing. Stanislava Lemperová, a member of the project implementation team and a worker at the V&ScaronáPJ Project Centre.

After theáreturn to the Czeché republic, theá Czechást is waiting for theáimplementationátýmu most importantá fá of the project. In the course of the project, materials will be gradually prepared for the innovation of a range of subjects in the field of mental health;experts with experience with duševní disease will be involved in the development of the project. „Rádi we would v téit fázi overátruths as much as possible toáthe advantages of goodé practice of Norwegian organizations, whiché we had the opportunity to get to know at the Bergen station,“ uvádí Dr. Vlasta Řezníková from the Department of Socialální práce VŠPJ, whoá is the mainá researcher of the project. The Norští partners should come to the Czeché Republic to consult theú preparedýcourses and inštheébodies&of&the&country&organizations´ thaté dealý withé theé of&the&health&health´.

The project Innovation and development of courses focused on du&scaron&euvní healthí (EEA-CZ-ICP-3-002) is funded by the Educationá&ináá programme of the EEA Funds 2014–2021.

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