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Publikováno: 18. 2. 2022 09:42
Autor: IS IS

Dry February: sobriety among the young is also in vogue here

In the únoru probíhá already desátý of the annual traditional Dry ú campaign;Nor, whichá helpsá široké the public to examine itsá relationship with alcohol and change establishedá ná practices. Lastéyearéyearéupéto& 9%&of&the&adulté population&each&year&according&to&surveys. Even the Polytechnicá šcolleges of Jihlava joined the campaign last year and supports it aboveále. Inášíme kindý oférie thematicých „dryých“ articles, this timeát focusedý on the relationship of youngé generation Z to alcohol.

In únoru probíhá for tenátý years, the traditional Dry únoru campaign has helpedáhá široké the public to examine itsá relationship with alcohol and change entrenchedá ná practices. Lastéyearéyearéupéto& 9%&of&the&adulté population&each&year&according&to&surveys. Even the Polytechnicá šcolleges in Jihlava joined the campaign last year and supports it aboveále. Inášíme kindý oférie thematicých„suchých“ articles, thisát focusedý on the relationship of youngé generation Z to alcohol.

Generation Z má differenté priorities, let's get used to it

Falláwake up, fallá curve! According to the OECD, mostáfallácountriesá haveá loweredá alcohol consumption. Already millennialsáhuntingé drinká less than their parents, but where are they going to get the so-called Generation Z. These are the youngé peopleé borné since about 1995. It's not until around 2010 that there is a middleá otherší generation, o whiché certainly isšyoušíme– Generation Alpha, i.e., the children of the lovers of whatš´meých Generation Y. The latter, by the way, was the last generation to experience a childhood without the socialálnítí.

Generation Z is typified by the amount of time they spend in the online environment that has created aá quietý living space for these youngé people. But iné theyé thinké &scaron´ about theiré healthé, preferé quality over quantity, andé lieé to themé about socialé justiceé and ecology. And one day, they will put the previousí generations in the position of the biggest&scaron& í buyersí in the world. As early as 2018, an analyst for the think tank Millennial Marketing estimated that the US Gen Z buying power was $143 billion a year.

Youngí indulgeí in alcohol significantly less than their parents

According to the Global Web Index, which analysed the consumption patterns of half a million young people in 45 countries, Generation Z drink significantly less than their predecessors. For millennials, the figure is only 21%. Only 16% consume alcohol at least once a week, which is significantly less than previous generations. Overall, this is a generation that cares about. Compared to the average, for example, they are 35 percent moreší likely to take up runningání and more than one-third of them have ordered someéhealthádlo in thelast´month.

This trend is also evident in nás. For example, the HBSC's international studies track health and lifestyle trends for adults;reported that the percentage of teenagers who admitted to having drunk at least twice in their lifetime was higher than the percentage of teenagers who admitted to having drunk at least twice in their lifetime;and from 32 to 25 percent for boys.

Young´ Czechši inšak stále drink´ more than their peers from Germany, France oršpanel. And why? The Dry únor campaign in 2020 was accompanied by a survey of around 2000 students carried out in cooperation with ISIC Czechá Republic, which mapped their motivations for drinking alcohol. Theýresultsárevealed&for&example&that&33%&of&the&students&drink&at&least&a&few&years&per&course&and&25%&of&the&students&have&alcohol&induced&personal&problems. Most of the young people have alcohol-related changes in their experience and communication. Up to 92% feel more open&scaroní towards otherý people after alcohol, 86% talk more easily about theirý feelings and 67% má feeling moreší sexuallyální attraction, with cítí ofáequal and méless ofágates when it comes to sex as such.

For more informationá on childrená and adultsá relationship to alcohol, alcohol in the family, or how to support your blá blá when they drinká overá a healthy má hand, see the book Dry ú nor.

Weízíus the opportunity to lendí the book Dry únor– 28 Reasons to Taste the Purebred Life tošim students, staff and graduates. How to do it? Just contact us at suchejunor@vspj.cz. However, we recommend that allám fromáy studentsáenoughá toá notáyears. The book, whichá on 416á pages presents alcohol in its variousá socialá roles, isá available toá us only in oneá print. In rámce of support for the campaign, you can order your ownýprint HERE.


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586 01 Jihlava

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E-mail: vspj@vspj.cz
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Contact point of the Rector's Office
Monika Jonášová
E-mail: monika.jonasova@vspj.cz

Study Department
Phone: +420 567 141 181
E-mail: studijni@vspj.cz

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