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Publikováno: 2. 7. 2021 03:20
Autor: IS IS

Students of the Jihlava Business Academy strengthen their financial literacy in a tournament

The last two days before the start of the day were marked by a tournament in financial literacy. The students of the thirdíyear under the guidance of Ing. Lenka Lízalové, Ph.D., from the Department of Economic Studies at the Scaron;PJ competed in the FinGrPlay online simulation game, and clarified how to handle finances in different life situations.

The last two days of the preééé days at the Jihlava Business Academy were marked by a tournament in financial literacy. The students of the thirdíyear under the guidance of Ing. Lenka Lízalové, Ph.D., of the Department of Economic Studies competed in the FinGrPlay online simulation game, and explained how to deal with finances in different life situations.


Poc´taché games needé not only serve toáentertain, but can also perform an educationalávac´ function. A clearý proof of this is the FinGrPlay simulation game used to improve financial´ literacy. The gameásá stá iná sprá a modelá family'sá budget, and over the course of 10 rounds, whichá representá aá periodá of 30 years, decisions are made about how to handle finances. Just as in life, in thiséto very realisticé game, the má for úkol to provide for their own´ home, tošet finances for children or to provide for their parents' retirement.

In the last two &scaronýkolní days, students of the thirdýyear students of the Jihlava Business Academy, who under the guidance of Ing. Lenka Lízalové, Ph.D., from the Department of Economic Studies at VŠPJ participated in the financial literacy tournament. „The students had already concluded their á knowledge, and the tournament became an interestingá diversion for them in the last á hours in šcollege. The firstí familiarizationí hour they completed an online test, dí whiché they immediately saw where they stood with financialí literacyí. We then discussed what is goodý and špatný debt, and howé are the currentá and investingá options,“ said Dr. Lízalová and added: „Iásequentially& showed the students how to get in the game. For the homeácí úkol to the nextátýday they had sehrát pár games and understand how the virtualální world of personalác finance works. Náwatchácí hour students sehráli the tournament and those whoád the témat had a šance for a goodá um´wallí.“

In 3A, Ondřej Lunáchek was the overallýwinner with 653 points, achieving an averageávalue of 262 points in the game and answering 83% of the questions correctly. In 3. B, the best player was Adam Homolka, who scored 215 points in the game and 79% of all the answers in the questionnaire with a total of 645 points. Highá šcolleges polytechnicá Jihlava donated smallé prizes to theá prizes. Theš competitorsí took away valuableé knowledge and newé attitudes towards the world of financeí whiché the game conveyed to them.

photos from previous years' financial literacy tournaments, source: archive of Ing. Lenka Lízalové, Ph.D.

Tournaments related to education in financial literacy have been organized by Dr. Lízalová for highá šschools for the past fiveátýyears. „Every year, the Department of Economicsý VŠPJý šlíme how to engage the students of the secondary šcolleges and introduce them to something in the field of Finance and Managementýzení at the openýday. The quick ý financial literacy test called „B3Q“ (Big 3 Questions) will arouse á interest in á ma in students and the online game FinGrPlay will allow á to have fun financial education for really everyone,“ Dr. Lízalová, whoá is dedicated to the popularization of games contributing to the development of economic knowledge, for example, in the course Simulation and Management Games taught at VŠPJ. She has recently talked about the possibilities of using them in vý uce soé in the podcast Polytechnicast. You can listen to the fullý interview

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