
Study programmes and courses

Bachelor program
Finance and Management

What you can expect
  • Lectures by experts from the application sphere
  • National/international companies to cooperate
  • Acquiring professional management knowledge
  • Wide application of knowledge in practice
  • Support for self-employment
  • Leading to financial literacy
  • Bachelor theses with a practical focus
Graduate skills
Average salary
30 863
15 týdnů
6 491 Kč
Program guarantor
photo of the guarantor
Ing. Roman Fiala, Ph.D.
Chances of acceptance
Number of admitted applicants (admitted / applicants) per academic year 2023 / 2024
336 / 435
77 %
100 %
We are a small school and every student has the chance to travel abroad.

The study programme Finance and Management will provide you with a practically oriented economically oriented bachelor's education for the performance of professional activities in various areas of management of corporate or public finance  (including accounting and tax issues), marketing management of companies, human resources management and other related activities. You will be prepared to deal with standard economic situations at middle management level in operational, human resources, financial and organizational areas of all forms of business and public administration. 

On successful completion of the course you will be able to:

  • name and describe sources of information on the economic and financial performance of a business
  • assess and analyse the impact of the current economic situation on a business
  • work with tax laws
  • apply basic management tools in the field of labour relations
  • apply marketing management
  • analyse the financial situation of the company, including tax issues, by analysing the accounts
  • manage the centre management of the company from a cost and management perspective, including the impact on the accounting and tax system
  • develop a business plan or regional development plan
  • communicate in a work team, coordinate working procedures and synergies of individual departments in the company
  • actively use computer technology for management purposes

Applications should only be submitted electronically via the e-applicationThe admission fee is 650,- CZK and must be paid no later than the application deadline of the given round (if you do not enrol, the fee will not be refunded). Further payment instructions (account number, variable symbol) can be found in the electronic application. The fee must be paid again for each round of admissions.

Applications in the 2nd and 3rd supplementary rounds will only be allowed provided that the number of applicants already admitted in the 1st basic round is not already full.


What subjects will you study?

List of subjects you will take during your studies, Please refer to the full-time study plan and combined study plan. The study also includes a long-term internship (15 weeks).


  • The condition for admission to study is the attainment of secondary education with a matriculation examination (successfully passed matriculation examination at secondary school).
  • Applicants are admitted to study on the basis of an application for study and proof of passing the matriculation examination. The maximum number of students admitted to the study programme may total 450 in both forms of study, with a maximum of 225 in the combined form of study.
  • Acceptance of applicants for study who are foreign nationals (with exception of Slovak nationals) is also subject to proof of knowledge of the Czech language. This proficiency can be demonstrated by a matriculation exam in the Czech language (successfully passing the matriculation exam at a Czech high school) or by an oral interview at the entrance exam at the Polytechnic University Jihlava (understanding of the spoken word, ability to interact and to identify the motivation, expectations and immediate needs of the student).

For the full text of the conditions of admission to VŠPJ for the academic year 2024/2025, please see HERE

In the context of the armed conflict on the territory of Ukraine caused by the invasion of the Russian Federation troops, the VŠPJ has issued special rules for students and applicants with temporary protection in the Czech Republic and citizens of Ukraine. The full text of the special rules can be found HERE

More information on the Czech language exam, including exam dates, can be found on the website HERE.

As part of the admission procedure for AR 2024/2025, there is again No FEE for acts related to the admission procedure for applicants in difficult social situation. No fee will be charged to an applicant who meets the following conditions:

  • submits an application to study in a Bachelor's or Master's degree programme no later than 15 May 2024,
  • is not a graduate of the same type of study programme (written affidavit),
  • proves that he/she is in a difficult social situation (written certificate issued at his/her request by the state social assistance body that the family income ascertained for the purposes of the child benefit for the third calendar quarter of 2023 did not exceed the product of the family's subsistence minimum and a coefficient of 1.5),
  • requests that the fee not be assessed no later than April 10, 2024.

An application for not setting the fee is available HERE, a model affidavit is available HERE.

More information can be found in RR No. 2/2024 HERE

Further information on the admission procedure:

  • The matriculation certificate/certification must be submitted in one of the following ways: 
    • online (upload via personal folder in the e-application)  - only authorized document conversion (provided by Czech POINT branches)  - other electronic versions of the document, e.g. simple scan will not be accepted 
    • by correspondence to the study department (officially certified copy)
    • in person at the study department (certified copy)
  • The matriculation certificate/certificate must be delivered by 10 September 2024 (in case of non-delivery by the deadline, the candidate will not be admitted for studies).

Where can I find the results of the admission process

Summary results of the admission procedure can be found:

Your further questions can be answered at the Studies Department, tel. 567 141 181 or e-mail:


Important dates for applications and admissions

  presidential and combined form of study
1st round  
Application deadline by 15 May 2024
Deadline for payment of the fee for the admission procedure 650 CZK by 5/15/2024
Deadline for delivery of proof of secondary education with matriculation examination (matriculation certificate/naturalisation certificate) By 10.9. 2024

2nd round (supplementary)

Application deadline by 24 July 2024
Deadline for payment of the fee for the admission procedure 650 CZK until 24 July 2024
Deadline for delivery of proof of secondary education with a matriculation examination (matriculation certificate/certificate of matriculation) by 10 September 2024

3rd round (supplementary)

Application deadline by 22 August 2024
Deadline for payment of the fee for the admission procedure 650 CZK until 22.8. 2024
Deadline for delivery of proof of secondary education with a matriculation examination (matriculation certificate/certificate of matriculation) by 10 September 2024

The last date for regular enrolment for the academic year 2024/2025 is 12 September 2024.

Only those applicants who have fulfilled the admission requirements and have the document "Rector's Decision on Admission to Study" available in the e-application form may apply for study. The easiest and fastest way to enrol for studies is online directly in the e-application form. However, you can also choose to enrol by correspondence or enrol in person at the VŠPJ building (dates will be announced continuously). All information about the admission procedure and subsequent enrolment can be found in your e-application. 

foto kontaktu
Dagmar Nemsillová
When I applied and successfully passed the admission procedure for the combined form of study, I took my success for granted. During my studies I met a lot of nice people, I found out that this school is not just an institution, but mainly people who try to give students their experience and knowledge, who can be a person and give advice and help to everyone individually. After the first couple of semesters, quite a few students left our ranks, either because of a personal decision or because of failure in exams. Those of us who persevered and were successful (even passing the challenging statistics...) were able to make it to the successful end. Personally, with the interruption of my studies due to pregnancy and maternity leave, I "only" had to complete my bachelor's thesis and pass my final exams. After the break, however, it seemed difficult and I thought about not finishing school anymore... Luckily, I have a mother who kept nagging me. Thanks to that, I decided to finish school and dedicate my bachelor's thesis to her. Writing my bachelor's thesis was fun in the end, I defended it successfully and passed the exams as well. It took me about a week to realize that I was done and I was a BA student. I no longer took it for granted, but knew that it took a lot of effort, a bit of luck and belief in myself! I was honoured to give the final thank you speech at the graduation ceremony, which was a success. During it, I realized that I was sorry to see my studies at the school come to an end and I will remember them fondly.
Martina Nováková
I remember my first day at the College as if it were yesterday. I confidently walked into the school, took my ISIC photo, went through the school and still had to confirm on my Certificate of Study. Since I hadn't quite "mastered" the school yet, I got in the first line and waited. It was looking promising already, a few more people and I would be next. When a nurse (she was studying a different subject) walked by and announced that I was standing in the Cashier's Office and not the Study Hall. So I had no choice but to leave the queue (where I was almost in line) and go stand in the correct one at the very end. I was really "happy". But otherwise, I have fond memories of school and studying. I made new friends and learned interesting information.
User wrote:
Studying at this school suited me because of its location and the field of study it offers. The professors were friendly and helpful, and I rate very positively the writing of term papers for almost every subject - this prepared us very well for writing our bachelor's thesis. I work in a logistics and property development company as an HR officer. Before I joined this department, I worked in the accounting department, which helped me in mastering the economics subjects. I will continue my master's studies at the Faculty of Management in Jindřichův Hradec.
User wrote:
If I were to evaluate the VŠPJ, I would say that it is a school of high quality and I would definitely recommend it to other students. The school gave me a lot of new knowledge, experience and the compulsory internship is an advantage for future employment. I am also studying at the University of Economics in Prague at the Faculty of Finance and Accounting, majoring in Finance.

The study programme Finance and Management provides a practically oriented economically oriented bachelor's education for the performance of professional activities in various areas of corporate or public finance management (including accounting and tax issues), marketing management of companies, human resources management and other related activities. Students are prepared to deal with standard economic situations at the middle management level of operational, personnel, financial and organizational areas of all forms of business and public administration.

The study includes a professional practice of a total length of 15 weeks.

Key Learning Outcomes

The graduate has the knowledge, skills and general competencies to be able to:

  • list and describe sources of information on the economic and financial performance of an enterprise,
  • assess and analyse the impact of the current economic situation on the enterprise,
  • work with tax laws,
  • apply basic management tools in the field of labour relations,
  • apply marketing management,
  • assess the financial situation of the company, including tax issues, by analysing the accounting,
  • manage the centre management of the company from a cost and management perspective, including the impact on the accounting and tax system,
  • develop a business plan or regional development plan,
  • communicate in a work team, coordinate work procedures and synergies between different departments in the company,
  • actively use computer technology for management purposes,
  • use a higher communicative level of language.

Get in touch with us

Vysoká škola polytechnická Jihlava
Tolstého 16
586 01 Jihlava

IČ: 71226401
DIČ: CZ71226401

Phone: +420 567 141 111
Fax: +420 567 300 727
Mailbox ID: w9ej9jg

Contact point of the Rector's Office
Monika Jonášová

Study Department
Phone: +420 567 141 181

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