Student senators hold bowling tournament
Dobroch Volunteer Awards will go to VŠPJ again this year
Second Polytechnic Seminar will introduce the principles of Industry 4.0
PechaKucha Night presented visions for the future of Jihlava
Teams from secondary schools measured their strength in economic knowledge and skills
VŠPJ commemorated the events of 17 November in Jihlava and Prague
Petr Musil from the Department of Economic Studies elected member of the National Budget Council
Interest in international English exams at VŠPJ is growing
The human rights situation in Hong Kong will be presented in a film and a discussion
Rector Emeritus Báča received the highest award of the Vysočina Region
The eighth POLYFiK screening focused on the topic of housing unaffordability
The conference focused on current topics in the field of midwifery
Vysoká škola polytechnická Jihlava
Tolstého 16
586 01 Jihlava
IČ: 71226401
DIČ: CZ71226401
Phone: +420 567 141 111
Fax: +420 567 300 727
Mailbox ID: w9ej9jg
Contact point of the Rector's Office
Monika Jonášová
Study Department
Phone: +420 567 141 181