Selection procedure (programmer)
This year's first issue of Logos Polytechnikos focuses on paramedics and specifics in nursing
Finance and Management students solve case studies in Riga
Jakub Dostál guest speaker at the University of the West of England
May's POLYFiK will focus on the struggle for freedom and equality for Iranian women
VŠPJ invites high school students to lectures on electromobility and hydrogen technologies
The lecture will introduce the connection between genealogy and genetics
VŠPJ invites you to a lecture by Petr Fejk: How to make a zoo
Volunteers from the University of Applied Sciences joined the spring cleaning of Vysočina
A gender audit is underway at the Polytechnic University of Jihlava
Polytechnicast #25: Mgr. Hana Vláčilová.
U3V students had the opportunity to learn about the rituals of the Jewish holiday of Passover
Vysoká škola polytechnická Jihlava
Tolstého 16
586 01 Jihlava
IČ: 71226401
DIČ: CZ71226401
Phone: +420 567 141 111
Fax: +420 567 300 727
Mailbox ID: w9ej9jg
Contact point of the Rector's Office
Monika Jonášová
Study Department
Phone: +420 567 141 181