POLYTECHNICAST #14: Dr. MARKÉTA DUBNOVÁ AND Dr. JANA GABRIELOVÁ: We pay little attention to hearing impairment
Czech Rectors' Conference urges students to vaccinate
VŠPJ strives for the title of Building of the Year and Building of the Year of the Vysočina Region
Rector of the VŠPJ honoured the memory of political prisoners executed in the Babice case
POLYTECHNICAST #13: ELIŠKA NĚMCOVÁ AND LUCIE VAŇKOVÁ: After returning home we experienced a culture shock
The second issue of this year's Studia Turistica has been published. It focuses on the impact of the pandemic, dark tourism and the phenomenon of carpooling
The Department of Tourism continues its projects with Donau-Universität Krems. Students can complete their compulsory internship or find a topic for their bachelor thesis
New auditorium hosted graduation ceremony
New methodology to help seniors with hearing loss
Students of the Jihlava Business Academy strengthen their financial literacy in a tournament
VŠPJ has almost 200 new graduates after June state examinations
Vysoká škola polytechnická Jihlava
Tolstého 16
586 01 Jihlava
IČ: 71226401
DIČ: CZ71226401
Phone: +420 567 141 111
Fax: +420 567 300 727
E-mail: vspj@vspj.cz
Mailbox ID: w9ej9jg
Contact point of the Rector's Office
Monika Jonášová
E-mail: monika.jonasova@vspj.cz
Study Department
Phone: +420 567 141 181
E-mail: studijni@vspj.cz